Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What A Difference 10 Years Makes

I realized last night that it has been 10 years since I walked out of my father's home to begin my adult life. I left for so many different and some silly reasons but in my defense I was 18 and not thinking with my brain that day. I remember packing my car with the important things; clothes, make-up, t.v., and stereo. Did I know where I was going? Not in my wildest dreams did I know where I was going but I knew that it pointed in the direction of freedom, well at least I hoped it did. I ended up staying with friends for a few weeks and then getting my own apartment. I worked two jobs while trying to go to school and just two months later I was dropping out of high school because something had to give and my pride was too much to go back home. I didn't even plan on being gone that long because I stated that in the letter I left my father but being out of that house was freeing to me. It was hard journey, shortly after leaving my senior year I got married and went down a very hard and trying path for the next 10 years. Now I have a wonderful 7 year old and I know what it means to dig your heels in and fight like hell for what you want and believe in. I finally got my GED in 2004 and then my Associates in May of this year. You see though I lost my passion the past few months and forgot who I was in life. I went back to college this fall even though I knew in my heart I didn't want to and now I am feeling the same way I did when I dropped out of high school, overwhelmed. I know leaving now will mess things up to where I will have to do some finagling if I would ever decide to go back. At this point I feel as if I am satisfied just having my associates and working the job I have because in time it could leave to bigger and better things. I really haven't worked like I should this semester and completing with passing grades at this point would be a miracle. I know I alone have to make this decision and be happy with the decision I make. But I think it's a sign when I feel relived when just thinking of walking away from school and just focusing on work and M. I want to know who I am again and not who I am trying to be to please people. I got the education I needed to at least give M a good life not over the top but better than what it was. I look back over the past decade and I want to know who I am again and what makes me happy and what my passion in life is again.


Chris said...

You have to do what's right for you (and M). Good luck in whatever you decide.

Velda said...

"I want to know who I am again and not who I am trying to be to please people."


Jen said...



Deirdre said...

Follow your the end, it is all about you!