Friday, January 12, 2007

The Emanicpator's Wife

This novel about Mary Todd Lincoln left me with a lot of question of who she was. Was she as crazy as history says she was or is it something passed down through the generations. I agree with what the author says at the end that it's possible she suffered from bipolar, she had the symptoms to suggest it. Mary Todd Lincoln was abandoned and forgotten not only by our country after Lincoln's death but also by her oldest son. I never knew that he witnessed Garfield's and McKinley's assassinations. Even though this is a historical novel it leaves you wondering what is the truth and what is the fiction. I want to now know even more about Mary Todd Lincoln and who she was, sadly a lot of her writings were destroyed by orders of her son. You are left wondering what she said in letters and other writings her son felt was best never known. I recommend this book to anyone who loves that time period, who wants a deeper insight to Mary Todd Lincoln, or anyone who just loves history in general.